Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Case of the Munchies

People like food.

Now how do I please my guests without bursting my budget bubble?

Provide just desserts?
Ice Cream Bar?

A soup bar?

My main concern is giving my guests something to do (and eat) for the hour in which Zack and I will be taking wedding photos. I don't want to call this a cocktail hour, because that's just snooty and immediately says: "expensive".

Maybe we could make food that we love in advance and then freeze it.

Foods that we love:
Potato Soup with bacon bits
chicken wings
asian food
mac and cheese (bar?)
comfort foods in general

foods that other people love:
Matt - chicken parmisan. Lasagna. Steak. Lobster. Mashed tatters. Most stews.

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