Monday, March 23, 2009

A grave(L) Situation

Everyone said that something would go wrong eventually. Luckily, my problem might not be that huge... Then again, it might.

The venue I have chosen for our reception is the place where Zack and I first met. It is a place where we have learned about each other and prayed together. Obviously, it is filled with meaning for us.

The majority of the night was going to take place in the backyard. Originally, the backyard consisted mostly of dirt and stepping stones. As of last week, there have been rennovations consisting of covering much of the yard in river rock. It is very pretty, however, one walk around the backyard makes problems clear.

Think back to your days on the playground. Remember how wierd it was to walk around on the gravel? Walking in the river rocks is that strange. Also, after taking a walk around, you might as well say bye bye to those heels you wear only on special occassions, because those poor little guys are going to be pretty dinged up.

The first step I'm taking is trying to work with my vendor to find workable solution. If we can't figure out something that works for both of us, I may be forced to look for a new venue, which I really don't want to do.

So far, the alternative venue locations I can think of for about the same price include a couple of restaurants (giuseppi's, the greenhouse, FERA's), a bed and breakfast, or the area near our ceremony location.

Pardon my rambling. If I type it out, then it stays out of my mind for some time.

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